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The Hidden Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice

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The Hidden Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice


Ash gourd, also known as winter melon or “petha,” is a popular vegetable in various Asian cuisines. It is often consumed as a curry or added to soups and stews. Recently, ash gourd juice has gained attention for its potential health benefits, such as weight loss, improved digestion, and enhanced skin health. However, like any dietary supplement, it’s essential to be aware of the potential side effects of drinking ash gourd juice. In this blog, we will delve into the lesser-known side effects of consuming this refreshing green elixir.

Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice
image credit: absolutelyraw

What is Ash Gourd Juice?

Ash gourd (Benincasa hispida) is a type of squash native to South Asia. Ash gourd juice is made by extracting the liquid from the pulp of this vegetable. It is often consumed as a refreshing beverage and is sometimes combined with other ingredients like mint, ginger, or lemon for added flavor.

The Nutritional Profile of Ash Gourd:

Before we explore the side effects, it’s important to understand the nutritional content of ash gourd. It is low in calories and a good source of various nutrients, including:

  • Vitamins: Ash gourd is rich in vitamins C and B-complex vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.
  • Minerals: It contains essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
  • Fiber: Ash gourd is a good source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and weight management.

The Potential Benefits of Ash Gourd Juice:

Ash gourd juice is touted for its potential health benefits:

Weight Management: The low-calorie content and high fiber in ash gourd juice can help promote feelings of fullness and support weight management.

Digestive Health: Ash gourd is believed to aid digestion and prevent constipation due to its dietary fiber content.

Skin Health: The vitamin C and antioxidants in ash gourd juice may contribute to healthier skin by reducing oxidative stress.

Urinary Tract Health: Some traditional systems of medicine recommend ash gourd for urinary tract problems due to its diuretic properties.

Now, let’s explore the lesser-known side effects:

1. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar)

While ash gourd juice is generally low in sugar, it can potentially lower blood sugar levels significantly. This may pose a risk for individuals with diabetes or those on medication to control blood sugar. It’s essential to monitor blood sugar levels closely if you consume ash gourd juice regularly. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine its safety for your specific condition.

2. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Diuretic Effect:

Ash gourd juice’s diuretic properties may lead to increased urination. While this can be beneficial for those with urinary issues, excessive consumption can result in the loss of essential electrolytes, leading to dehydration. If you’re experiencing excessive urination or symptoms of dehydration like dry mouth, dizziness, or rapid heartbeat, reduce your ash gourd juice intake and increase water consumption.

3. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Gastrointestinal Distress

Despite its potential digestive benefits, ash gourd juice may not suit everyone. Some individuals may experience bloating, gas, or stomach discomfort after consumption. This can be attributed to its high fiber content, which might be difficult to digest for some people. If you notice digestive discomfort, consider reducing your intake or discontinuing use.

4. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to ash gourd juice are rare but possible. Symptoms can include itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming ash gourd juice, seek immediate medical attention.

5. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Drug Interactions

Ash gourd juice may interact with certain medications. If you are taking medications for diabetes, blood pressure, or any other condition, consult with your healthcare provider before adding ash gourd juice to your diet. It’s essential to ensure that it won’t interfere with the efficacy of your medications or cause any adverse effects.

6. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Oxalate Content

Ash gourd contains oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible individuals. If you have a history of kidney stones or are at risk for them, it’s advisable to moderate your ash gourd juice consumption.

7. Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice: Contamination and Hygiene

The preparation of ash gourd juice requires careful hygiene practices. Contaminated ash gourd or unsanitary preparation can lead to foodborne illnesses. It’s crucial to wash and peel the ash gourd thoroughly and use clean utensils to minimize this risk.


Ash gourd juice offers numerous potential health benefits, but it’s not without its share of side effects and considerations. As with any dietary supplement, it’s vital to consume it in moderation and consult with a healthcare provider if you have underlying health conditions or concerns about interactions with medications.

While some individuals may experience the side effects mentioned in this blog, many people can safely enjoy the benefits of ash gourd juice when consumed in reasonable quantities. As always, it’s essential to listen to your body, be aware of any adverse reactions, and seek professional guidance when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Side Effects of Drinking Ash Gourd Juice

Can ash gourd juice cause weight loss?

While ash gourd juice is often associated with weight management due to its low-calorie content and fiber, it should be part of a balanced diet and exercise regimen. Consuming ash gourd juice alone may not lead to significant weight loss.

Is ash gourd juice safe for individuals with diabetes?

Ash gourd juice has the potential to lower blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes or are on medication to control blood sugar, consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating ash gourd juice into your diet. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is essential.

Can ash gourd juice cure urinary tract infections (UTIs)?

While ash gourd’s diuretic properties may offer relief for some urinary issues, it is not a cure for UTIs. If you suspect a UTI, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional who can provide the appropriate treatment.

How much ash gourd juice is safe to consume daily?

The recommended daily intake of ash gourd juice can vary from person to person. As a general guideline, start with small amounts (e.g., 4-8 ounces) and gradually increase if well-tolerated. If you experience any side effects, consider reducing your intake.

Can ash gourd juice lead to kidney stones?

Ash gourd contains oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals. If you have a history of kidney stones or are at risk, consult with a healthcare provider before regularly consuming ash gourd juice.

Is it safe to drink ash gourd juice during pregnancy?

Pregnant individuals should exercise caution when consuming ash gourd juice. While it offers some nutritional benefits, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before including it in the diet, as there may be potential side effects or interactions.

Are there any specific guidelines for preparing and storing ash gourd juice safely?

To ensure safety, it’s crucial to wash and peel the ash gourd thoroughly. Use clean utensils, and practice proper hygiene when preparing ash gourd juice to minimize the risk of contamination and foodborne illnesses.

Can ash gourd juice cause allergies?

Allergic reactions to ash gourd juice are rare but possible. If you experience itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing after consuming ash gourd juice, seek immediate medical attention.

Does ash gourd juice interfere with blood pressure medication?

Ash gourd juice may have an impact on blood pressure, so it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking medication for hypertension. They can provide guidance on incorporating ash gourd juice safely into your diet.

What are some alternative ways to consume ash gourd for its potential health benefits?

If you’re concerned about the side effects of ash gourd juice or prefer alternative consumption methods, you can include ash gourd in your diet by adding it to soups, stews, curries, or even as a side dish. Cooking ash gourd may offer some of the same health benefits with fewer side effect concerns.

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